Alexia Masturbating with Sex toy
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Hey! Alex here. I was born in the dirty south where everyone lives in rural counties and life just has a slower pace in general. My parents split up when I was very young, so I’ve always been a mommy’s girl. My mom was my best friend growing up… she still is! I get my one of a kind, genuine and crazy facial expressions from her, as well as my ambitious attitude. I will always look to my mom in times of uncertainty, I know she has my back! Speaking of having someone’s back, my friends mean the world to me. My girlfriends and I have stuck together through thick and thin! I love them all like sisters, sometimes we even introduce ourselves as blood. My best friend and I even look alike. Sometimes I’ll recieve a comment on a selfie asking if I am Maddy! I met Maddy in the third grade. We went to a tiny, private school in southern Virginia. My mom and I moved when I was a little older, but Maddy and I remained besties. Every summer since we were old enough to drive, we take a week long roadtrip to the beach. Despite the beaches on the East Coast not being very exciting, I look forward to this time with her every year! She makes me laugh like nobody else can and I know I am in the best company even if we are just riding in the car. I absolutely love the beach. I really enjoy camping and hiking in the mountains, but I would pick a beach trip over a mountain trip any day. The sand between my toes and the thick, salty wind in my hair gives me a sense of tranquility. Having a clear mind is really important to me! It is so easy to get caught up, negatively, in this generation. Social media and societal expecations have a huge impact on my peers; I try to stay positive at all times. Exercising and eating healthy helps! I am a huge candidate on just simply feeling good. My body is the only one I have! Therefore I want to treat it right. In high school, I was a camp counselor at an over night, wilderness camp. Working at this camp gave me the perspective that anything is possible if you work hard to achieve it AND how important it is to maintain a healthy body and mind! I feel myself growing a little wiser everytime I come to a realization about how I can make myself stonger. To me, being strong means following your heart but not forgetting your mind. It means knowing when to take control and be a leader or when to fall back and let someone help you. Looking to your peers with and open heart and mind can go such a long way. Life is too short and the world is too big to form an opinion on what everyone else is doing. Being open minded and nonejudgmental of others is my number one moral.

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