Alaina & Aurielee fucking Pussy with Double Dong
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Hey there! My name is Alaina. :3 I’m nineteen, and I’m relatively new to the industry. I was stripping and doing work for God’s Girls for about a year before I chose to move to California and spread my wings a bit more. I love what I do so, so much. I really couldn’t ask for a better life than the one I have. Work and all. <3 It annoys me when people mispronounce my name. It's uh-lay-nuh. Not uh-lawn-uh. I was named after a song from an 80's hair metal band. The song was "What's it Gonna Be (Sweet Alaina)" by RATT. My family was interesting. I'm a kinkball. Seriously, I'm REALLY hard to scare when it comes to fetishes. I THRIVE on kink. I am a vegetarian. Trying to transition into veganism, but cheese is obnoxiously delicious. I could easily see myself being a glamorous shut-in of a house wife that spends my days drinking wine and watching shitty daytime television. I enjoy simple pleasures. More than anything in the world, I eventually want to be a mother. People say "what will you do if other kids tease your kid about their mom having done porn?" I'll tell my child to say "there's a reason why my mommy picks me up in a Porsche rather than a Ford Fiesta. Fuck off, loser". I spend entirely too much time on the internet. But when I'm not being a LAZYBUTT, I'm dancing on the stripper pole in my living room. This is my only exercise routine. Allow me to reiterate that I am a lazybutt. I regularly engage in conversations of social justice, and addressing the related issues is what I feel to be the most important thing I do with my time. I will enthusiastically claim the title of "feminist killjoy" when one's joy seems to revolve around being a douchebag. Even though I can be really shy and socially anxious, I LOVE interacting through the comfort zone that is the internet. Say hello to me on Twitter sometime. I'm told I'm quite friendly. <3 I enjoy Tumblr, vibrators, avocados, fragrance oil, and high-quality beer. I can spend hours at a time watching True Blood, Adventure Time, Game of Thrones, and Johnny Bravo. Now bring on the Danish chicks and cream soda.
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